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The modern military operations need, the usage and exploitation of the RF spectrum.
CRFS approach the Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities.
Spectrum capacity is a finite resource, & which need monitoring & managing

Electronic Warfare Support
SIGINT (Signal Intelligence), which may be COMINT or ELINT.
How to extract, classify and locate transmissions within the signal spectrum.
Strategic Use:
Monitoring the utilization of emitters.
Developing any future offensive or defensive operations.
Tactical Use
Real-time spectrum intelligence.
Raising the instant awareness of the troops.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/increasing-sigint-capabilities/

Battlefield Situational Awareness
Deliver a clearer battlefield picture.
Pick up RF transmissions over a wide bandwidth.
Radio silence (Radio silence)
Harmony cooperation between two friendly troops.
Avoid to be geolocated from the RF emissions of your RF equipment.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/battlefield-situational-awareness/

Passive Aircraft Tracking
Radar is commonly used in tracking the aircraft’s location.
Tracking aircraft without alerting them to the fact that they are being tracked.
Determine Passively the aircraft’s location.
Detect The following:
Aircraft coordinates: Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Course, Speed, Signal data
Signal Types: IFF, ADS-B, Link16, TACAN/DME, Radar, ATC channels
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/passive-aircraft-tracking-using-rf/

Naval EMCON (Emissions Control)
Selective control of EM’s usage, to optimize C2 capabilities
Avoid Detection by the enemy sensors.
Mutual interference among friendly systems.
Enhancing MILDEC Plan.
Protecting EID (Electrically Initiated Devices) from HERO (Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance).
Avoid unauthorized or authorized cell phone emissions.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/naval-emcon-emissions-control/

Proving Grounds & Test Ranges
The scenarios, strategy, forces and equipment need to be implemented
Efficient & effective testing on proving grounds, results in efficient, & effective performance in the war.
Avoid mutual EM interference.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/securing-proving-grounds-and-test-ranges/

Interference hunting during UAV testing
Military UAV used for:
situational awareness
Attacking & defending
Running Your Test Without Risk:
Testing your expensive UAV, with high confidence.
Reducing the damage budget
To avoid drone loss:
Monitoring RF spectrum, before and during UAV test runs.
Military and commercial source of interference, need to be identifiable
Monitoring wide range of frequencies, from VHF to SATCOM bands
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/interference-hunting-uav-test-and-operation/

Covert Spectrum Monitoring
Some environments are very harsh, to install a permanent structure for RF monitoring, like:
Hostile locations: contested borders, war zone, & terrorist zone.
Environmental challenges: cliffs, forests, swamps or dunes.
Rapid deployments: Detecting jamming, & Drones used in smuggling drugs, & weapons into prisons & borders.
Emergency: VIP visit, Sporting event.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/configure-deploy-capture-retrieve/

Maritime Safety & Security
Sea border security responsibilities
Responding to vessels with problems
Medical incidents at sea
Pollution control
Interference, due to:
Channels allocation unrespectable.
Uninformed users or foreign nationals
Intended interference on Mayday calls.

Border Monitoring
International borders can cover hundreds or even thousands of miles.
Impossible to secure every square mile of a border with a physical manned presence
A network of high-performance RFeye receivers can pick up RF spectrum transmissions.
A cell phone, VHF radio or other device can be detected, classified, & geolocated.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/border-security
Managing the spectrum in more effective, & efficient way by Regulators.
EM spectrum is very valuable resource.
Used in: making phone calls, watching television, GPS navigation, & etc.
National regulators need to ensure, that the spectrum is uncongested & interference free.
As the number of “connected” devices increase, the pressure on the RF spectrum increasing, which increase the need of innovative ways to monitor and manage the spectrum.

Hybrid Geolocation
When it comes to geolocation performance, you don’t need to compromise.
AOA/TDOA are used for geolocation over wide areas.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/hybrid-aoa-tdoa/

DF in urban environments
Direction Finding (DF) systems can often seem to fail, when used in the urban environment.
This problem can be attributed to multipath propagation.
Using the multiple Lines of Bearing (LOB) obtained as a single vehicle-mounted DF antenna array moves, to avoid multipath.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/direction-finding-urban-environments/

Airport Interference
Communications, navigation systems and even Autoland systems can be impacted by RF interference at airports.
Preventing and quickly resolving interference at airports is essential for avoiding disruption, financial loss and serious accidents.
Engineers may be sent out to an airport over ten times with an portable RF monitoring and each time find that the interference source has been and gone.
Continuous RF monitoring solution isn’t only effective, but also cost effective.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/resolving-rf-interference-airports/

Radar interference to MO
Radar interference to mobile operators.
Detecting and locating pulsed interference sources in real time.
Resulting in dropped calls, impaired voice quality and reduced data speeds
Noisy Neighbor’s interference at the country’s border
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/resolving-radar-interference-mobile-operators/

Portable Spectrum Monitoring
Some environments are very harsh, to install a permanent structure for RF monitoring, like:
Hostile locations: contested borders, war zone, & terrorist zone.
Environmental challenges: cliffs, forests, swamps or dunes.
Rapid deployments: Detecting jamming
Emergency: Sporting event.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/applicationstory/configure-deploy-capture-retrieve/
System Integrator
Why work with CRFS?
Open architecture aids third-party integration
Proven field-ready, reliable hardware and software
Comprehensive documentation
Expert engineering support
Transparent, honest relationships

Electro-Optical Integration
Optical systems extend our own senses using superior optics and image enhancement.
They are able to identify and track drones based on their visual signature, and, when using infrared (IR), by a drone’s heat signature.
Optical systems give an unrivaled understanding of context. For example, by verifying if a drone is weaponized.
They do, however, still need additional hardware to perform geolocations and can encounter difficulty in coping with bad weather and bright sunlight.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/integrated-dronedefense/

Acoustic Sensors Integration
Acoustic sensors are programmed to recognize the unique sounds produced by drone motors.
They rely on a library of sounds from known drones, so if a drone isn’t in the library, it won’t be detected.
Range from the target, background noise and strong winds can also influence the effectiveness of acoustic sensors.
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/integrated-dronedefense/
Security & Intelligence

Counter Surveillance
TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures)
The threats are real
Devices can be difficult to locate
Beyond bug sweeping
Used in:
Secure facilities
Embassies & diplomatic buildings
Commercial offices
Data centers
Banking and financial institutions
CNI (Critical National Infrastructure)
Combating Drones
For more info: https://www.crfs.com/counter-surveillance/